
What To Expect

Faith Academy in addition to being an institution of education, is a channel through which the Lord Jesus Christ can be more clearly revealed. However, in this context, it is necessary for us to present a clear statement of our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Bible. We should combine with that statement a substantive and definitive school purpose.

Important Documents

Enrollment Form-

Faith Academy Handbook -

Admissions Policy

As a private institution, Faith Academy reserves the right and privilege of setting and maintaining its own standards of student conduct, dress, cleanliness and scholarship. The school maintains the right to refuse admittance to anyone and to suspend or expel anyone who violates the standards or rules of conduct as defined by the school. A student is admitted to Faith Academy to a specified grade level on the basis of former records or entrance and placement tests. Each student’s record is reviewed by the school administration each year, and the student’s readmission is based on specific criteria. No married student will be allowed to attend Faith Academy.

Admission Procedure

  1. Application forms must be filled out completely and returned to the school office a minimum of 3 days before the student wishes to begin classes. These forms are used to obtain basic information concerning the student as relates to educational experience and general background.
  2. The registration fee must accompany each application form. Forms returned to the school office without the registration fee will be considered incomplete and will not be processed until the appropriate fees have been paid.
  3. Parents must sign the Statement of Cooperation and the Tuition Contract.
  4. Applications must be updated yearly and/or as information changes. It is the responsibility of the parents to ensure that the school has the correct information.
  5. An appointment for an interview by the principal with the student and parents may be requested and include informal questioning of the student and the parents to establish a foundation of understanding for home and school relationships.
    • In the case of application for re-admission, the principal may feel an interview with the returning student and the parents would be productive for the student and the school, and as such may require a meeting prior to approving the student’s application for readmission.
  6. A testing program covering several areas will be administered to all applicants if warranted. If a child ranks at such a level that Faith Academy administration feels the school is not equipped to deal with, or if the child needs special attention or help that the school cannot provide, the application for admission will be denied.
  7. Final registration is complete only when the following items have been received by the school:
    • Completed Registration Form
    • Child’s Health Record and up-to-date immunization records
    • Registration Fee
    • First Month’s Tuition
    • Previous School Records
    • Signed Tuition Contract
  8. Failure to comply with any of the admission requirements will result in admission to Faith Academy being denied.

Probation & Dismissal

A student may be suspended or dismissed from school at any time he/she is found out of harmony with the rules and policies of the school. In the case of suspension, the opportunity of makeup work will not be granted, and there must be a conference between student, parents, teacher, and principal before the student will be allowed to return to classes. Decisions in these matters are the full responsibility of the administration, and further reviews or appeals cannot be considered. Faith Academy expects full cooperation from both student(s) and parents in the education of the student. If at any time the school feels that this cooperation is lacking, the student may be requested to transfer. Parents should feel free to consult with the student’s teacher about problems or questions concerning the welfare of their child. It is the desire of the school to be of service to both parent and student. Each teacher welcomes a visit from any parent. However, parents are requested to schedule such visits by appointment with the teacher at a convenient time after school hours. Tuition fees still apply while a student is on suspension. In the case of dismissal from the school, the full semesters tuition is due.


Withdrawal from school must go through the school office. Students transferring to another school should transfer at the end of a grading period. If a student attends one day of any grading period, the full semester tuition will be charged.

Transfer of Records

Students withdrawing from Faith Academy may request a copy of their school records. It is the responsibility of the students and their parents to provide the transfer school with a copy of the records. If an account is not current, no records will be given until the amount owed is paid in full. Please consult the Tuition Contract for other details.


Tuition is set up on a ten-month payment plan for convenience. The first payment is due before the first day of school. Payments must be made monthly and are due on the first of each month, August through May. A late fee will be charged if the payment is received after the tenth of the month. There is a service charge for returned checks. Postdated checks cannot be accepted. Accounts from the previous school year must be paid in full or be current before anyone will be allowed to pre-register. In addition, accounts from the prior school year must be paid in full or be current before the start of the new school year. If an account becomes delinquent during the school year, the student will not be allowed to attend classes until the past due balance is paid. Students who miss class work due to delinquent accounts will not be allowed to make up missed school assignments. If an account is not current 30 days before school ends, the parents will be notified and no grade cards, honor certificates, diplomas or other records will be given until the amount owed is fully paid. 

Fee Schedule and Supplies

Registration fees are non-refundable and are payable with each application each year. Please see the current fee schedule for a full list of fees. Students must furnish their own supplies. Supply lists are available in the school office.